Technical specifications

130 x 13 x 5.5 cm, L x W x H

Weight: 1.55 kg

-20°C to +80°C

Absorbent medium:
Calcium chloride (CaCl2), 1.5 kgCollector volume: 2.25 L


The Absorbag is a container desiccant used to protect cargo during shipping and storage from damages caused by humidity problems.

How the Absorbag works

The Absorbag is activated once it is removed from its transparent protective PE bag. The Absorbag will then immediately start to absorb moisture from the surrounding air. The upper portion of the Absorbag contains the calcium chloride (1).As the desiccant material absorbs moisture it will gradually dissolves into brine. This will be captured in the lower blue collector (2). Once captured, the moisture will not re-evaporate into the air.


The absorption characteristics of calcium chloride provide Absorpole with a superior absorption capacity, even at low humidity levels, and the ability to effectively protect cargo throughout the entire voyage.Typical applications
- Agricultural products
- Textiles and leather
- Wood and paper products
- Furniture
- Plastics, glass and metals
- Electronics and machinery
- Automotive parts
- Canned goods

Units needed

20” container: 4 – 8 bags
40” container: 6 –12 bags
Your local Absortech representative will help you to estimate the right installation for your shipment as it depends on the length of the voyage, the range of temperatures encountered and the type of cargo protected.




ABSORTECH Desiccants are ECO "Environmently Friendly" and are free from Dimethyl Fumarate or any other biocides.